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Boondocks Gun Club Waiver


NOTE: you only need to fill this waiver out once per year.

10775 Buckhart Rd, Rochester IL. 62563

I, the undersigned, acknowledges that firearms possession and usage pose serious and inherent danger if mishandled. Therefore, common sense and safety are required at all times. To better assure the well being of shooters, visitors, customers, employees and the premises, all persons on Boondocks Gun Club property are required to obey the basic rules and policies stated herein. The customer will be held responsible for any damage he/she causes to Boondocks Gun Club property. It is unlawful to use this facility with, or for any, malicious intent. Boondocks Gun Club reserves the rights to deny access, products, or services to and immediately remove (without refund) any person: deemed unsafe or a threat to themselves, other individuals, or to the facility in violation of applicable federal, state, county or municipal laws or regulations; in violation of any Boondocks Gun Club rules and policies; and/or unwilling or unable to comply with instructions, directions, etc., of Boondocks Gun Club employees or their authorized representative. All shooters or spectators indemnify Boondocks Gun Club to the fullest extent permitted by law at all times while shooter or spectator are on Boondocks Gun Club property.

1. All firearms for range use must be unloaded and cased when entering or exiting the facility.

2. No un-holstering of your firearm for ANY reason. All firearms for range use must be unloaded and cased anytime you are outside of your lane.

3. No uncased firearms are permitted outside of the shooting lane. You may load magazines outside of your range lane, but uncased guns must ALWAYS stay in your shooting lane pointed down range.

4. Always treat your firearm as if it is loaded.

5. Always keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.

6. Always keep your firearm pointed down range.

7. Hearing and eye protection must be worn at all times within the range.

8. You are responsible for the correct application of your hearing and eye protection.

9. No more than 2 persons per range lane.

10. You must be at least 18 years of age to use the range. If you are under 18 you must be with a parent or legal guardian who has a valid FOID, or your parent or legal guardian must also be accompanied by someone with a valid FOID who is over 21 years of age.

11. FOID card holders 18-20 years of age may shoot only long guns of pistol caliber unless accompanied by a FOID card holder over 21 years of age.

12. If you wish to rent a firearm, you must have valid FOID card or be accompanied by someone with a valid FOID card. You must also show valid State ID.

13. No persons under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, or who are intellectually and/or developmentally disabled, or who are felons or have been convicted of domestic battery are allowed to use the range.

14. No food, drink, tobacco, or gum are permitted in the range.

15. Boondocks reserves the right to inspect and deny use of any customer supplied ammunition, firearms, targets, etc. The following are prohibited: fully automatic or black powder firearms; armor piercing, tracer, or steel core ammunition; exploding, metal, wood, personal image, disparaging, inciting, or ground level targets.

16. If a "Cease Fire" is called first unload your firearm, leave the action open, and set it down on your bench then step back from the firing line. Await further instructions.

17. No rapid firing. Double taps are allowed.

18. Never go down range.

19. Know how your firearm operates (i.e. controls and safety features); use only correct and reliable ammunition.

20. In the case of a firearm malfunction that you are unable to safely or effectively fix, promptly lay the firearm on the shooting bench with the muzzle pointed down range and notify Boondocks Gun Club personnel.

21. Shoot at your target only- not range fixtures, equipment, walls, the floor, the ceiling, or other people's targets. Repeated strikes to our equipment will result in the revocation of your range time without refund.

22. All firearms must be unloaded and cased before leaving your range lane.

23. You may collect only your own spent cartridge casings that haven’t crossed the firing line

All shooters are required to behave responsibly, safely, and civilly. If you observe any unsafe condition or action, please immediately call a “cease fire” and report it to Boondocks Gun Club personnel.

I, the undersigned, my agents, executors or administrators, for the consideration of being allowed to enter, rent, and use the facilities, firearms, supplies, and services of Boondocks Gun Club and for all other goods and valuable considerations, do hereby absolutely and unequivocally agree to release and hold harmless Boondocks Gun Club, its officers, employees, agents, instructors, assigns and successors, from any claim, demand, or liability whether claimed by myself or another arising out of any injury, loss, or disability connected with the use of Boondocks Gun Club facilities, firearms, supplies, and services.

I certify that, prior to using the range and all other areas of Boondocks Gun Club, I have read, understand, and agree to abide by all stated rules and policies and voluntarily accept this disclaimer and will follow all local, state, and federal laws.